Firstly, I'd like to say a big thank you to those who joined the first two webinars of our IP360 series, I hope you are looking forward to the third as much as I am! For those who were unable to make these webinars, you are now able to watch them on the Lewis Silkin YouTube here.

A well-known writing principle “the rule of three” suggests that a trio of events is “more humorous, satisfying, or effective” than other numbers, which makes it highly likely that this webinar will be well worth a watch...

In this webinar I will be addressing the continuous developments of the case law applicable to Standard Essential Patents, which many of you know are essential to keep abreast of, especially those involved in telecommunications or the Internet of Things. I will also be addressing the practical utility of the Unwired Planet decision, jurisdiction selection (and, in particular, the role of the Wuhan Intermediate Court), the unwilling licensee, the anti-suit injunction and royalty calculations. The session will be useful to those managing Standard Essential Patent portfolios, implementing technology governed by those standards or engaged in litigation as well as their advisors.

Please do register using the link below. If you would like to get in contact with me, I’d be glad to hear from you.