This webinar marks the end of our IP360 Series, a series of weekly events which covered the full spectrum of IP needs, guiding you to develop; a consistent approach across the registration, management, commercialisation, defence and enforcement of all your IP assets. If you missed any of these webinars, you may watch them here.

I may be biased, but I would like to say that we have saved the best webinar till last! Join Dan Bobby, former CEO of Calling Brands and the owner of DAVE, and I on Tuesday 26th October. We will be seeking to demystify the process of creating brands and slogans to making adverts for them. Showing the required steps and actions to synchronise the creative and legal processes.

Dan Bobby is fascinating. With over 25 years’ experience in defining clear visions and growth strategies for world leading brands such as IKEA, Dan will be providing guidance on aligning brand strategy & purpose with operations, culture and the organisation’s strategy.

We also look forward to be showing you one of the advertising worlds best kept secrets. AdSlogans, a unique, low-cost search tool designed specifically to check slogans and taglines which is used by the world’s leading advertising agencies, brand creators and law firms.

How could you resist? Register for the event here.